I've never tried this before, so this will probably be an awful read. I'm playing in the $11 Sunday $200K guaranteed on Pokerstars, and I'm almost to the halfway mark. The starting field was 22,566 - definitely the largest field tourney I've ever played in before. I managed to get up to $5000 in chips after being down to $800 (starting chips were $3K)...some moron called my raise preflop with K7 (i had AKs)...flopped a King, I bet half the pot, he called...the turn was a 2nd club, so I bet the pot...he called...river was a 7...he bet a small amount...figured he rivered but had to call. I more than tripled up with KK and then crippled my friend with a rivered flush. At this point, I have $7300 in chips, so away we go:
1:30...I had $7,300 in chips...down to $5,965...had AJ on cutoff...raised to $700 w AJo...guy with $700 on button called...the big blind called...flop is JQ3...i pushed him all in for his remaining 800...he called with AT and turned a K for the broadway straight. I've been getting rivered more often than Baby Moses lately, and it's killing my bankroll...I need it to stop!!!
1:33...5 minute break...back to my losing streak...I've cashed in a few S&Gs and took 8th in a MTT HORSE tourney last night, which made me $40...but it's been a rough month. I've watched way too many guys chase hands in Omaha and river...I've had a guy turn trips that gave me a straight only to see him hit quads on the river. I've lost with AA, KK and QQ more times than I can count. This stuff happens, but the frequency I've been experiencing it is insane. It's like the Poker Gods forgot that i've already learned how humbling this game is - I got that message a long time ago, you assholes. Get off my back!!!
1:39....Back...I limped with K6h, mid position...caught a King on the flop, bet out and won a $975 pot. Up to $6,665 (Damien!!!!!!); some guy just called an all-in for over $6K in chips with an A-7 a King hit on the flop...bad time to call when the guy had pocket Kings...he did river an Ace though, just to rub the pain in...lucky that guy hit the 2 outer on the flop
1:44...got Bullets...4 limpers, so I raised to $1,500 and they all folded...where's the idiot called with A7 when I need him? Up to $7,815!
1:47..limped with ATs UTG...guy with Jerry Buss avatar raised me $13oo, thought about it and folded...I can't challenge Dr. Buss. Down to $7,065 (and 10,350 left in tourney)
1:50...had K9c on the button...limped...checked to me, bet the pot and took it down. Up to $8,165. Blinds are up to $150/300/25, so it's going to be a little harder to limp with weaker hands now...some big stacks at my table. Folding stuff like QTo that I played with earlier. I still don't know if I'm too tight at this point, but I've seen a lot of challenges to aggression, and I'm not going to risk a large amount of my stack in this kind of room.
1:57...yay! the table folded around to my 8-3 in the BB; folded to me in the SB with J9...test limped to see if the BB w 12K in chips (guy calls himself THEEMASTER) called or raised; he called..I missed flop, and he bet out...trying to feel him out for eventual move
2:01...wild hand not involving me...three preflop all-ins...guy had AA and the other two both had JJ (Dr. Buss was one of them and was seriously weakened)...not many outs for them...tripled him up....I'm up to $9115 after semi-bluffing with nut flush draw....WOW...same thing happened again a few hands later....AK vs two guys w TT and an ace hit on the flop....nice timing for those pocket rockets (speaking of which, the Pocket Rocket is also the #1 selling sex toy in the world - there are numerous options and add-ons for them - ask me for sex toy info - I used to work in a sex shop across the street from Hustler Hollywood)
2:12...blinds are up to $300/600/50, and it's going to have to be an aggro match from here on out. Up to $9765 after raising with AQ...hate that hand...I cringe when I get it. Ivey's right about it...I rarely win the big ones with it, but I lose the big ones all the time with that shit...same goes for KQ, which I tend to be cautious of but can't seem to win with late in tourneys when I need it to hold up. Less than 5700 left in this thing...I can't even look in the lobby...the rapid losers are making me dizzy...only 2ooo more to the money
2:20...As usual at this point, I'm beyond card dead, although my 9-8o I had UTG would've cracked Dr. Buss's KK...now he's up to $11K and I'm at $8,400; just got moved, one hand after Dr. Buss cracked KK w AK by flopping an Ace...glad I'm away from him but I came into this room with three people all-in preflop...not a good sign...christ...never played a hand, got moved again, and now I'm in a room with four stacks well over $30K...even worse sign...I can't fold into the money...I'll be left with no self-respect
2:30...I'm out, and as usual, when I go down, I go down in flames. Down to 4400 people...had AQc in mid position, and I pushed all-in, praying I could just steal blinds and antes...the big blind called me with TT....elation followed as I flopped and Ace and two clubs....you can guess the rest, but if not, he spiked a non-club Ten on the turn, and a spade fell on the river. Out in 4367th place. See my post from 30 minutes ago for a great example of foreshadowing. I'm in agony right now, but I'm used to it. I just wish this beat had come in a 2 table S&G and not a tourney with a $22K first prize. If you actually read this whole thing, thanks for following my misery. Here's the hand, in all of its sceen captured glory
1:30...I had $7,300 in chips...down to $5,965...had AJ on cutoff...raised to $700 w AJo...guy with $700 on button called...the big blind called...flop is JQ3...i pushed him all in for his remaining 800...he called with AT and turned a K for the broadway straight. I've been getting rivered more often than Baby Moses lately, and it's killing my bankroll...I need it to stop!!!
1:33...5 minute break...back to my losing streak...I've cashed in a few S&Gs and took 8th in a MTT HORSE tourney last night, which made me $40...but it's been a rough month. I've watched way too many guys chase hands in Omaha and river...I've had a guy turn trips that gave me a straight only to see him hit quads on the river. I've lost with AA, KK and QQ more times than I can count. This stuff happens, but the frequency I've been experiencing it is insane. It's like the Poker Gods forgot that i've already learned how humbling this game is - I got that message a long time ago, you assholes. Get off my back!!!
1:39....Back...I limped with K6h, mid position...caught a King on the flop, bet out and won a $975 pot. Up to $6,665 (Damien!!!!!!); some guy just called an all-in for over $6K in chips with an A-7 a King hit on the flop...bad time to call when the guy had pocket Kings...he did river an Ace though, just to rub the pain in...lucky that guy hit the 2 outer on the flop
1:44...got Bullets...4 limpers, so I raised to $1,500 and they all folded...where's the idiot called with A7 when I need him? Up to $7,815!
1:47..limped with ATs UTG...guy with Jerry Buss avatar raised me $13oo, thought about it and folded...I can't challenge Dr. Buss. Down to $7,065 (and 10,350 left in tourney)
1:50...had K9c on the button...limped...checked to me, bet the pot and took it down. Up to $8,165. Blinds are up to $150/300/25, so it's going to be a little harder to limp with weaker hands now...some big stacks at my table. Folding stuff like QTo that I played with earlier. I still don't know if I'm too tight at this point, but I've seen a lot of challenges to aggression, and I'm not going to risk a large amount of my stack in this kind of room.
1:57...yay! the table folded around to my 8-3 in the BB; folded to me in the SB with J9...test limped to see if the BB w 12K in chips (guy calls himself THEEMASTER) called or raised; he called..I missed flop, and he bet out...trying to feel him out for eventual move
2:01...wild hand not involving me...three preflop all-ins...guy had AA and the other two both had JJ (Dr. Buss was one of them and was seriously weakened)...not many outs for them...tripled him up....I'm up to $9115 after semi-bluffing with nut flush draw....WOW...same thing happened again a few hands later....AK vs two guys w TT and an ace hit on the flop....nice timing for those pocket rockets (speaking of which, the Pocket Rocket is also the #1 selling sex toy in the world - there are numerous options and add-ons for them - ask me for sex toy info - I used to work in a sex shop across the street from Hustler Hollywood)
2:12...blinds are up to $300/600/50, and it's going to have to be an aggro match from here on out. Up to $9765 after raising with AQ...hate that hand...I cringe when I get it. Ivey's right about it...I rarely win the big ones with it, but I lose the big ones all the time with that shit...same goes for KQ, which I tend to be cautious of but can't seem to win with late in tourneys when I need it to hold up. Less than 5700 left in this thing...I can't even look in the lobby...the rapid losers are making me dizzy...only 2ooo more to the money
2:20...As usual at this point, I'm beyond card dead, although my 9-8o I had UTG would've cracked Dr. Buss's KK...now he's up to $11K and I'm at $8,400; just got moved, one hand after Dr. Buss cracked KK w AK by flopping an Ace...glad I'm away from him but I came into this room with three people all-in preflop...not a good sign...christ...never played a hand, got moved again, and now I'm in a room with four stacks well over $30K...even worse sign...I can't fold into the money...I'll be left with no self-respect
2:30...I'm out, and as usual, when I go down, I go down in flames. Down to 4400 people...had AQc in mid position, and I pushed all-in, praying I could just steal blinds and antes...the big blind called me with TT....elation followed as I flopped and Ace and two clubs....you can guess the rest, but if not, he spiked a non-club Ten on the turn, and a spade fell on the river. Out in 4367th place. See my post from 30 minutes ago for a great example of foreshadowing. I'm in agony right now, but I'm used to it. I just wish this beat had come in a 2 table S&G and not a tourney with a $22K first prize. If you actually read this whole thing, thanks for following my misery. Here's the hand, in all of its sceen captured glory

I guess I'm done for the day, but that could change depending on the strength of my addiction.